You can have this if you are lactose intolerant.

 Don't you wish you could take a big bite, well I just did and it was delicious!!!!!!!! I loved the nuts!

2 cans of coconut
 (1 can of coconut then I bought cocount that was desicated or just flaked coconut not sweetened or anything added to it, then I put 2.5 cups of liquid in it then put it on the stove an brought to a boil. Turned the burner off and let set for 15 minutes.  Watch it closely because it will take minutes to start to boil, I then ground it in a blender extremely well.   Put it in cheese cloth and squeezed it really hard until I got all the milk out.   It leaves the coconut really dry.  Put this will your canned coconut and it should equal at least a quart.  This is what you will need for the recipe.

3/4 cup honey
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract
3/4 tsp. salt
1/4 cup coconut oil
1/3 to 1/2 cup cocoa powder  (If you really like the taste of a stong cocoa add the 1/2 cup)  (It is stong)

Blend all the ingredients and put in an ice cream freezer.  Serve with strawberries and shredded coconut. This ice cream is delicious and can be very addictive.
